The Lord showed me something so cool thing morning. I was reading in Judges. I don’t read there very often but there is some good stuff in there! It says in Judges 2:3, “but they shall become as thorns in your sides, and their gods shall be a snare to you.” The context of this is that Joshua has just led them into conquering and taking the Promised Land. God gave all of their enemies into their hands and the Israelites destroyed them. There were still, however, pockets of people left for the individual tribes to conquer on their own. They have divided up the land and been given their inheritance. Instead of getting rid of the rest of their enemy (again a small group), they allowed them to live in their land. They made agreements with them. And what happened? God allowed their enemy to be “as thorns in their sides” and “their gods ...a snare.” God wanted every bit of the enemy living in their land to be destroyed but instead they tolerated the enemy and then started to serve the gods of their enemy. God describes this generation of Israelites after Joshua as a people who don’t know Him or how He works. So sad. He had just led them out of captivity. Instead of walking in their freedom they walked themselves back into captivity.
I’ve been asking God to reveal areas in my heart where I am allowing the enemy to live. The Lord wants all of our hearts! I don’t want to be content to allow anything to settle in my heart that is not of God. I want to live in freedom, to take my inheritance! He supernaturally defeats our enemy but requires us to grow into and to possess our land! (Joshua 1)
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